Alma Police Department: Morgan Nick, 29 Years Later

On June 9, 1995, Morgan Nick, a six-year-old girl, vanished without a trace from a Little League baseball game in Alma, Arkansas. The case has haunted the community for nearly three decades, with no concrete answers and little closure for Morgan's family.
But in a recent twist of events, the Alma Police Department announced a "significant development" in the investigation. With advancements in DNA technology, they discovered new evidence linking a former suspect, Billy Jack Lincks, to Morgan's disappearance.
Lincks, who died in prison in 2019, had been a longtime suspect in Morgan's case. DNA found on the dashboard of his truck matched DNA taken from a sweater Morgan was wearing the night she disappeared.
"This is a major breakthrough in the case," said Alma Police Chief Jeff Pointer. "We believe we finally have the person responsible for Morgan's abduction."
The news has brought a mix of emotions to Morgan's family.
"This is a bittersweet moment," said Colleen Nick, Morgan's mother. "We're relieved to finally have some answers, but it also brings up a lot of pain and sadness."
Morgan's father, Phil Nick, echoed her sentiments. "We've waited 29 years for this, but it doesn't make Morgan's absence any easier."
The discovery has also sparked a renewed interest in the case and a hope that Morgan's remains can finally be found.
"We'll never give up searching for Morgan," said Pointer. "We owe it to her family and to the community that has never forgotten her."
As the investigation continues, the Alma Police Department urges anyone with information about the case to come forward.
"No matter how small or insignificant it may seem, it could be the missing piece we need," said Pointer.
Nearly three decades after Morgan Nick's disappearance, the wheels of justice are slowly turning. While it may not bring back the innocent girl whose life was cut short, it offers a glimmer of hope and a chance for the truth to finally be known.