amys peer review

Paige- Meaning/content

Story Structure- It was a very interesting story plot line and you introduced all four characters/point of view. You describe the scenery/characters in details. 

Characterization- I liked how you described each character's mood/feelings and gave them different personalities. I understood how each character was feeling. I would say give more dialogues to the story

Development Ideas- 5 it was a good concept and there was an adequate amount of details into it. 


Designing Oraganization- 5 it wasn't messy and I understood when the next character came in. the essay was structured well and it had a great narration

specific direction-there were four conflicts and point of view but essay wasn't written in MLA format. 

Description- essay was descriptive enough for me to understand what each character were dealing with. It had creativity and was very detailed. 

Word choice-5
Sentence Variety-5

Voice-5 each chracter had their own personality and actions to them


Assessment-I liked how the story was developed and it had an interesting concept and was very detailed. I would place more dialogues and character development into it. and put a MLA format to it. Grade:A 



Kayla- Meaning/content

Story Structure- It was hard for me to understand who the characters were and who was narrating it. I got the concept of the story yet at the same time it was very hard for me to understand what was going on with the story

Characterization-4 Very unclear on how many characters there were in the story/who they were.

Development Ideas- 4 Could use better development and story structure


Designing Oraganization- 3 Again, it was very hard to understand who was narrating which part of the story. Could state who is talking by sections.

 specific direction-4 was in MLA format, and there were (4 viewpoints to the story?)

Description- 4 Story had an interesting concept but could have a better story structure and character development.

 Word choice-5
Sentence Variety-5

Voice-4 Grammar-Spelling-Overall-Total-50

Assessment-It had a good concept in it but could have a better story/characterization development and a better structure.  Grade:B-




Iaan- Meaning/content

Story Structure- 5  A good understanding of what is going on in the story and who each characters are.

Characterization-4 good character development, elaborate on each character more on their thoughts of the incident.

Development Ideas- 5 Had a good idea dealing with race and how each character deals with it.


Designing Oraganization- 5 Had a good story structure and allowed readers to understand which characters view point they were reading through the sections.

 specific direction-4 had MLA format. Not sure if the story is rashomon writing though

Description- 5 Story had an interesting concept, could work on character development more

Word choice-5
Sentence Variety-5

Voice-5 Grammar-Spelling-Overall-Total-58


Assessment:Had a good story structure and was interesting to read on how each character dealt with race even when they were only in elementary school. Would add better characterization to the story Grade:A



Fannisa- Meaning/content

Story Structure- 3 Story flowed nicely and was structure good, however, this is not the correct type of essay for the assignment

Characterization-4 Talked about how writer developed through her classes.

Development Ideas- 4 provides an example of conflict


Designing Oraganization- 4 story transitioned nicely, with the meaning of concept to an example of one.

specific direction-2  had MLA format. However, this is not the right type of writing for this assignment.

Description- 4 Word choice-4
Sentence Variety-5

Voice-5 Grammar-Spelling-Overall-Total-47


Assessment:  provided an example to a subject but however, this isn’t the right type of assignment. Would work on another story with 4 conflicts  Grade:B-/C