Anavar Alternative: Safe and Legal Alternative to Anavar

Those who are really spending so much time in gym all day to cut down on those extra pounds of flesh to check slim and get the centre of attraction are now able to relax a little and check out some effective solution on offer by Crazy Bulk, referred to as Anvarol.

It is even hailed since the among the best supplement and famous as “cutting and leaning” agent and provide very good results in cutting down the excess fat through fatty acid oxidation while offering strength and stamina into the body.

Introduction and Origin:

Anavar was probably one of the most powerful agents known for offering strength and stamina along side its property of cutting on the unwanted fats nevertheless the major disadvantage was its countless negative effects which were observed post its usage by the customers.

Anvarol, legal and safe substitute for Anavar ended up being introduced by Crazy Bulk that mimics the positive side effects while excluding the negative impact of the latter.

Anavar generally known as (Oxandrolone) was initially introduced available in the market by Searle Company, now known as Pfizer in US in 1964, but was later discontinued due to its negative publicity.

It is now you can purchase underneath the trade name Oxandrin and distributed only from Italy, post several clinical trials and modifications.

Later Crazy Bulk introduced Anvarol(also known as P-Var)with all the attributes of its ancestral product Anavar, which has gained immense popularity in recent years amongst its users.

Anvarol Ingredients & its Functions

The ingredients of Anvarol are natural and enriched with its unique quality of shedding fat while providing strength and stamina to your body. Each serving of Anvarol is constructed of

    Soy protein Isolate (150mg) – It is a rich supply of protein and contains all the important amino acids required for muscle growth. It also helps in lowering the levels of cholesterol in the torso.  It maintains the level of testosterone and cortisol thereby guiding the merchandise to yield better muscle growth and inducing muscle breakdown simultaneously.

    Whey Protein Concentrate (150mg) – It is also a rich supply of protein and readily absorbed in the torso and constitutes all of the muscle building supplements.

    Wild Yam Root (50mg)-It contains an all natural hormone which has got anti-inflammatory properties that improves muscle tone and enhances the sexual performance along with physical performance.

    BCCA (75mg) – Branched chain amino acids like Leucine, Valine, Isoleucine are metabolized rapidly than amino acids and intended for muscle growth.

    ATP (40mg) –It is an instantaneous source of energy that will help the muscular contraction and relaxation. Every cell in the torso requires this molecular energy source to function properly.

All of the ingredients works together to offer the following functions –

    Escalates the growth of dense muscles.
    Enhanced strength and stamina.
    Enhances the vascularity thereby providing sufficient nourishment to your muscles for its growth.
    Have cutting effects, so burns down visceral and subcutaneous fat while retaining the essential muscles necessary for growth.
    Boosts the sexual desires thereby enhancing their performance.

It is even prescribed by physicians to deal with anemia, alcoholic hepatitis, Turners Syndrome owing to its capacity of muscle mass enhancement.

How does Anvarol Work?

Anvarol primarily functions by increasing the phosphocreatine levels in your body which in turns produces ATP, instant source of energy.

More and more energy assists in protein synthesis thereby resulting in growth of muscles.  It means that you can extend yourself further for strenuous exercises for extended duration.

 It assures speedy contraction and relaxation thereby ensuring the faster recovery of muscles from fatigue post workout session.

While it helps in burning the calories in addition it has its inherent property of preserving the lean muscles and enhancing the density of the bones.


You need to take one pill 3 times a day with meals on non trading days while on business days it is advised to take it 30-45 mins prior to exercises.

Its email address details are quite visible within 2-3 weeks and shows fabulous results if continued for 2 months. Post this you are able to discontinue it for 1.5 weeks and then restart the medication.

Anavar Benefits

    It is mild and non toxic and therefore safe to make use of.
    It is FDA certified and legal to use.
    It was reported with no health hazards till date.
    It really is obtainable in pills, and that means you don’t need certainly to undergo the pain sensation of injecting needles.


    It is only available online of its official website


Anvarol is truly a tested and proven supplement of Crazy Bulk and it is a successful solution for many who need to look perfect with slim and carved body.

Moreover it works well for both both women and men. If taken in proper dosages for prescribed period you will observe an optimistic improvement in your appearance.