Angel Hernandez

A Conversation with the Umpire Whose Name Became a Synonym for Controversy
It was a hot summer night in 2018 when umpire Angel Hernandez made a call that would forever change his life. With two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning of a game between the Cleveland Indians and the New York Yankees, Hernandez called a strike on a pitch that appeared to be well outside the strike zone. The call gave the Indians the win, but it also ignited a firestorm of controversy.
Hernandez was immediately vilified by fans and commentators alike. Some accused him of being biased against the Yankees, while others simply questioned his competence. The controversy reached a fever pitch when it was revealed that Hernandez had a history of making bad calls against the Yankees.
In the wake of the controversy, Hernandez was forced to defend himself. He maintained that he had made the correct call and that he was not biased against any team. He also pointed out that he had been an umpire for over 20 years and had a good reputation.
Despite his defense, Hernandez's reputation was irreparably damaged. He was removed from the umpire roster for the rest of the season and was not invited back for the following year. He has since filed a lawsuit against Major League Baseball, alleging that he was discriminated against because of his race and national origin.
I recently had the opportunity to speak with Hernandez about his experience. He was surprisingly candid and open about the controversy. He admitted that he made a mistake on the call, but he also insisted that he was not biased against the Yankees.
"I'm not perfect," Hernandez said. "I make mistakes just like everyone else. But I'm a professional and I always try to do my best. I'm not going to let one bad call ruin my career."
Hernandez's story is a reminder that everyone makes mistakes. Even the best of us are not immune to criticism. But it's how we respond to our mistakes that defines us. Hernandez has chosen to respond with grace and dignity. He has not let the controversy define him. He has instead used it as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Hernandez is a role model for us all. He shows us that it's possible to overcome adversity and to come out stronger on the other side. He also reminds us that it's important to forgive ourselves for our mistakes and to never give up on our dreams.