Angela Blackmoore

I'm Angela Blackmoore, and I'm going to tell you how I became a pilot. But this isn't just a story about my journey to the cockpit. It's a story about resilience, determination, and never giving up on your dreams, no matter how many times you're told you can't do it.

I've always been fascinated by airplanes. As a little girl, I would spend hours watching them take off and land at the airport near my house. I dreamed of one day being able to fly one of those magnificent machines.

But when I told people about my dream, I was often met with discouragement. "Girls can't be pilots," they would say. "It's too dangerous." Or, "You'll never be good enough."

I was determined to prove them wrong. I studied hard in school, and in college, I majored in aviation science. After graduation, I got my pilot's license and started working as a flight instructor.

It wasn't easy. There were times when I doubted myself. But I kept going, because I knew that I was meant to fly.

And then, one day, my dream came true. I was hired by a major airline as a first officer.

I'm now a captain, and I've flown all over the world. I've seen amazing things, and I've met incredible people. But the best part of my job is knowing that I'm inspiring others to follow their dreams.

If you have a dream, don't let anyone tell you that you can't achieve it. With hard work and determination, anything is possible.

Here are a few tips for aspiring pilots:

  • Study hard in school.
  • Get involved in aviation activities.
  • Get your pilot's license.
  • Never give up on your dreams.

I believe in you. So go out there and fly!