Angels: Do They Exist?

My grandmother told me stories of angels all throughout my childhood. She'd always say that her guardian angel would help her find lost items, and that they would watch over her in times of trouble. As a child, I believed her without question. After all, who wouldn't want to believe in benevolent, supernatural beings watching over them?
However, as I grew up, I began to question the existence of angels.

I realized that there was no scientific evidence to support their existence. And while my grandmother's stories were touching, they were just that—stories. I couldn't help but wonder if she had simply made them up to comfort herself in times of need.

Yet, even as I doubted the literal existence of angels, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to the universe than what we could see or touch. I began to think of angels not as supernatural beings, but as symbols of hope, compassion, and protection.

In this sense, I believe that angels do exist. They may not have wings or halos, but they are all around us. They are the people who help us in times of need, who give us hope when we are down, and who protect us from harm.

My grandmother's guardian angel may not have been a literal being, but it represented the love and support that she had around her. And in that sense, it was just as real as anything else.

So while I may not believe in angels in the traditional sense, I do believe in the power of hope, compassion, and protection. And I believe that these qualities are what make us truly human.

Perhaps that is the true meaning of angels. They are not beings from another realm, but the best of what we have to offer each other. And in that sense, they are always with us.

If you are ever feeling lost or alone, just remember that there are angels all around you. They may not be visible, but they are there. And they will always be there for you, no matter what.

Here are a few stories of angels in action:

  • A woman was driving home from work when she saw a car accident. She stopped to help and found a young woman trapped inside the car. The woman was badly injured, but the rescuer was able to free her and get her to the hospital. The rescuer later said that she felt like an angel had guided her to the accident scene.
  • A man was walking home from work when he was attacked by a group of men. He was badly beaten, but he managed to escape and run to safety. The man later said that he felt like an angel had protected him from the attackers.
  • A woman was going through a difficult time in her life. She had lost her job, her husband had left her, and she was struggling to make ends meet. One day, she was walking home from the grocery store when she saw a homeless man sitting on the street. She stopped to talk to him and give him some money. The man thanked her and told her that she was an angel sent to help him.
These are just a few examples of how angels can show up in our lives. They may not always be visible, but they are always there. And they will always be there for us, no matter what.

So, do angels exist?

In the traditional sense, perhaps not. But in the sense of hope, compassion, and protection, they are all around us. And in that sense, they are just as real as anything else.

So the next time you are feeling lost or alone, just remember that there are angels all around you. They may not be visible, but they are there. And they will always be there for you, no matter what.