Anicet Manju: The Man Who Mistook a Bear for a Big Dog

Anicet Manju is a man of many talents. He is a skilled carpenter, a talented musician, and a gifted storyteller. But one thing he is not is a hunter.
One day, Anicet Manju was hiking in the woods when he came across a large, brown animal. Anicet Manju had never seen an animal like it before. It was about the size of a small car, with a thick coat of fur and a long, bushy tail.
"What is that?" Anicet Manju asked himself. "It's too big to be a dog, but it's too small to be a bear."
Anicet Manju decided to get a closer look. He crept towards the animal, making sure to make as little noise as possible. As he got closer, he could see that the animal was a bear.
"Oh no!" Anicet Manju said to himself. "I'm going to die!"
The bear did not see Anicet Manju. It was busy eating berries. Anicet Manju knew that he had to get away, but he was too scared to move.
Anicet Manju stood there frozen for a moment, watching the bear eat. Then, he slowly turned around and started to walk away. He was careful not to make any sudden movements.
The bear did not notice Anicet Manju. It continued to eat berries. Anicet Manju walked away slowly, until he was sure that he was out of the bear's sight.
Anicet Manju was so relieved to be alive. He ran all the way back to his car and drove home. He told his wife and children all about his adventure. They were all amazed that he had survived.
"You're so lucky," his wife said. "That could have ended very badly."
"I know," Anicet Manju said. "I'm never going hiking in the woods again."
But a few weeks later, Anicet Manju was back in the woods. He couldn't resist the call of the wild. And this time, he was prepared. He brought a gun with him.
Anicet Manju hiked through the woods for hours, but he didn't see any bears. He was starting to get discouraged. Just when he was about to give up, he saw a large, brown animal in the distance.
Anicet Manju raised his gun and took aim. He fired, and the animal fell to the ground. Anicet Manju ran over to the animal and saw that it was a bear. He was so happy that he had killed it.
Anicet Manju dragged the bear back to his car and drove home. He was proud of his kill. He told his wife and children all about it. They were all amazed that he had killed a bear.
"You're so brave," his wife said. "I'm so proud of you."
"Thank you," Anicet Manju said. "I'm just glad that I could protect my family."
Anicet Manju never went hunting again. He knew that he had been lucky. He also knew that he didn't need to hunt to be a hero. He could just be himself.