Animal-People Are Being Created By The Government

The government in European countries have been creating dog-people which are humans with dog heads and have been for a long time. It is speculated that this experementation started in the middel ages where the first groups of these were spotted and made known. There was not a government conspiracy at this point and not everyone believed them. However recently dog-people are becoming more common and the government feels comfortable sending them out since everyone is busy looking at their phones all day. This allowed the dog-people to slip into society unnoticed. This experimentation also explains the dog noises that seem to be coming out of no-where all the time. Many dog-people go unnoticed but in the future when humanity realizes the strange biengs among them they might be subject to prejudice on account of their floppy ears or magnificent snouts that humans can only dream of. The terror of the humans and dog-people fighting could be so great that the government will have to create a less pure animal human hybrid so it doesnt clearly resemble a wild animal. The U.S. government has been backing the creation on artificial lizard people too. They have been creating politicians to take the front seat in order to appease the aliens that will one day come to take this planet over. The hope being thyat the lizard people will ward off the aliens and bring a true peace to the world. Some of them have been found out but as long as everyone stays cool about it they should be safe for now.