Disinfect Wounds With Colloidal Silver

In 1999 the U. S. Food and Drub Administration ruled that colloidal silver, a cure for what ails you, is not considered safe or effective. People who use it know that it kills parasites and their eggs, bacterial infections and virus, even the super bug. So, since it is no longer available by prescription, people are making it for them self or purchasing it over the counter.

Used to treat burns, pure colloidal silver prevents infections while helping cells grow. Because it works so well at killing off bacteria, it was used before antibacterial soaps were invented.

The other good things about it is that it prevents fermentation in the stomach which makes it impossible for parasites or their eggs to live. It even reduces acne because it is a bacterial infection.

There is more for this wonder substance. There is not a bacteria that it does not kill and that includes methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), also known as the super bug. This form of silver not only kills bacteria but it also acts as an antiseptic while destroying fungal infections and viruses.

The reason it is successful at stopping infections is because it works against the life cycle of pathogens by preventing their ability to use oxygen in order to grow and spread. This also makes it effective at preventing any future mutations. Minute traces of this mineral destroys all known disease causing organisms including anaerobic bacteria, fungus, and virus organisms. It also kills parasites while still in the egg stage.

It can found for purchase at alternative medicine establishments, health stores, vitamin shops, and retail grocery and drug store chains in the supplement section. It can also be made at home by applying a small electrical current to silver strips that are placed in distilled water. There are plenty of instruction on the internet just remember to use distilled water and you want to know where the silver was produced as it may have an effect on its purity.

There are two things you do not want to have when obtaining your liquid. One, it should not need to be shaken to mix it before using, and second, the color should not be dark. The reason being that particles of silver that are too large for the body to absorb will settle on the bottom of the jar or bottle, and the color will be dark. You want a liquid that is either clear or very pale yellow.

Colloidal silver dosage varies for each person and the ailment being treated. A person would apply it directly to the skin for burns, acne, fungal infections, any skin infections and Staphylococcus. Other than that, mixing three or four drops into a large glass of water and drinking it is going to work.

There are no clear colloidal silver dosage guidelines to follow other than do not ingest large amounts over a period of years. If you do so, you can develop argyria, which is a blue tint on the skin and eyes, which is permanent. Other than that, there have been no reports of interactions with herbs or medicines, but do read up on the topic. Do your own research before starting.

If you want more information on the benefits of pure colloidal silver don't look any further than our website. View this homepage by clicking on the link http://www.gold2live.com/Dosage-Silver-Water.html now.