Anna Sebastian Perayil: A Tragic Loss

As a mother, I never imagined I'd have to pen a letter like this, expressing my pain and anguish over the untimely demise of my beloved daughter. Anna Sebastian Perayil, a bright and promising young woman, was tragically taken from us just months after she embarked on her professional journey.
Anna's life was cut short due to the relentless pressure and stress she faced in her workplace. As a Chartered Accountant at EY, she was expected to work long hours, with little regard for her well-being. The demands were so overwhelming that they ultimately proved too much for her delicate mind and body.
I am filled with anger and sorrow as I reflect on the circumstances that led to Anna's untimely end. How could a company that prides itself on excellence place such a heavy burden on its employees? How could they prioritize profits over the health and happiness of their staff?
Anna was not just an employee; she was a daughter, a friend, a dream waiting to take flight. Her dreams of making a difference in the world were shattered in an instant by the relentless grind of corporate culture.
I have lost my precious child, and countless other families have lost their loved ones to the invisible wounds of workplace stress. It is time for a wake-up call for companies like EY. They must acknowledge the toll their demanding work environment takes on their employees' lives. They must prioritize well-being and create a healthier workplace where employees are valued and supported, not exploited.
Anna's death should not be in vain. It should serve as a catalyst for change, a reminder that the pursuit of success should never come at the expense of human lives. I urge EY and other organizations to take immediate action to create a workplace where employees are not treated as mere cogs in a machine but as valuable individuals deserving of respect and care.
Our children are our future, and we cannot afford to sacrifice their lives for the sake of corporate greed. Anna's memory will live on as a symbol of the need for a more humane and compassionate workplace culture.
May her soul find eternal peace, and may her sacrifice inspire a change for the better.