Anzac Day march

Each year on April 25, Australians and New Zealanders come together to commemorate the anniversary of the landing of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) at Gallipoli in 1915.
The significance of the occasion is profound, and the sacrifices made by our brave soldiers are remembered with the utmost respect and gratitude.
A National Day of Remembrance
Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance for both Australia and New Zealand, and is marked by somber ceremonies and heartfelt tributes to the fallen. The memory of these courageous individuals continues to inspire generations of Australians and New Zealanders, serving as a testament to the indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment of our armed forces.
An Unforgettable Dawn Service
The Anzac Day march is a central part of the commemorations, and is a truly evocative and moving experience. Watching as the sun rises over the hallowed grounds, casting a warm glow upon the faces of the assembled veterans, their families, and the general public, is a sight that stirs the emotions deeply.
A Time for Reflection and Gratitude
As we observe the Anzac Day march, it is an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices made by those who came before us. Their bravery and selflessness have secured the freedoms we enjoy today, and we owe them an immense debt of gratitude. The march is not just a somber occasion, however. It is also a time to celebrate the triumph of the human spirit, and to honor the enduring legacy of the Anzacs.
A Shared Heritage
The Anzac Day march embodies the shared heritage of Australia and New Zealand. It is a symbol of our countries' deep and abiding friendship, forged in the crucible of war. As we come together on this solemn occasion, we reaffirm our commitment to the values that unite us—mateship, courage, and sacrifice.
Our Eternal Promise
As the marchers pass by, we not only honor the fallen but also make a promise to them and to ourselves. We vow to never forget their sacrifice, to uphold the principles for which they fought, and to work tirelessly to build a better future for our countries.
A Call to Service
The Anzac Day march is more than just a ceremony; it is a call to service. It reminds us of the importance of selfless acts, and of our responsibility to contribute to our communities. By participating in the march or supporting it in any way, we are carrying on the legacy of the Anzacs and ensuring that their memory continues to inspire us for generations to come.