alex's peer reviews

Karen  Aleverez 

story/structrure: 4 solid plot, great scenario 

characterization: 5 many unique aspects to most of the characters

Ideas: 5 approaches dilema from many sides, using detail throughout.

designing organization: 4 consistant accounts throughout the narrative. logical sequence of events

specific assignment directions: 5

description: 4 good use of detail especially in character thought processes.

word choice: 3

sentence variety: 4

voice: 5

grammer: 4

spelling: 5

overall: 5

total: 53/60


the best aspect: pretty unique plot with complex characters, given the length.

one aspect of this assignment that may require further revision is: more detail regarding the structure of the plot.

the grade i would give this assignment is: B+/ A-


Samantha Phelps


story/structure: 3 no narration for gabrielle, seems to be after incident not durring

characterization: 4 enjoyed many characters such as mom and teacher

ideas: 3 rest of perspectives besides main were breifly developed

designing/organization: 3 some inconsistances in story. no mention of brief scuffle w/ gabrielle from sam's pov

specific directions: 5

descriptions: 4 great use of detail just needs to be consistant throughout.

word choice: 3 good words eg: Haole

sentence variety: 4 

voice: 4  great 1st person account

grammar: 3 "was starting drilling...line 5, etc.

spelling: 4 "first" --> "fist" etc...

overall assignment: 3

total: 43/60


the best aspect: the uniqueness of story and how relatable it was made 

one aspect of this assignment that may require further revision:  wanted more from other perspectives. main story, was 3 paragraphs, others just 1. cool idea though

the grade: C+


Danielle del Rosario

story: 5 strong everything

characterization: 5

ideas: 5

designing/ organization: 3 around 12:35am it got confusing as to who is actually speaking

specific assignment: 1 only one perspective the whole time

description: 5

word choice: 3 

sentence variety: 4

voice: 4 

grammar: 3 "no one expect..", "bring the year"... etc 

spelling: 4 

overall: 5 


total: 47/60



the best part of this assignment:  level of detail was great, really easy read

one aspect...: more perspectives!!!

the grade:  C+