Are You Qualified to Perform First Aid?

First aid is the immediate assistance given to a person suffering from an injury or illness until full medical care is provided. It is an essential life skill that can help save lives in emergency situations.
Do You Know How to Perform First Aid?
If you were to witness a person who has collapsed on the street, would you know how to help them? A survey conducted by the National Safety Council found that only 44% of Americans are trained in first aid. This means that 56% of the population is not prepared to help someone in a medical emergency.
Why is First Aid Important?
First aid is important because it can help to:
  • Save lives
  • Prevent further injury
  • Relieve pain and suffering
  • Provide comfort and reassurance
  • What are the Basic First Aid Skills?
    The basic first aid skills include:
  • Controlling bleeding
  • Treating burns
  • Giving CPR
  • Immobilizing injuries
  • Treating shock
  • How to Get Trained in First Aid
    There are many organizations that offer first aid training courses. The American Red Cross, the National Safety Council, and the American Heart Association are all reputable organizations that provide first aid training courses.
    Taking a first aid training course is one of the best ways to prepare for a medical emergency. By learning the basic first aid skills, you can help to save lives and make a difference in the world.