Are you ready for the big chill?

The first Arctic blast of the season is expected to hit the UK this
week, bringing with it freezing temperatures, snow and ice.
Met Éireann has issued a yellow weather warning for the whole country, with snow and ice expected to cause disruption to travel
and power supplies.
Most of the country will experience sub-zero temperatures, with the
midlands and south likely to see the lowest temperatures.
The cold weather is expected to last for several days, so it's important
to take precautions to stay safe and warm.
Here are some tips for staying safe in the cold weather:
- Wear warm, layered clothing.
- Cover your head, neck and hands.
- Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
- Avoid alcohol, as it can make you feel colder.
- Look out for signs of hypothermia, such as shivering,
confusion and loss of coordination.
- If you're feeling cold, get indoors to a warm place as soon
as possible.