Antique Fire Trucks For Sale - Not the Usual Gift

I am the Assistant to the Mayor in my city. It is a great job with wonderful perks. I get to work with some of the best people I could ever wish to know. My city has a population of about 35,000 so there is some size to it, yet it retains a very friendly, small town feel. Our city has also just had it's bi-centennial celebration, and upon that occasion I was given a very special task. I was to find a very special award that our Mayor's office would present to our dedicated Fire Department.

With a very workable budget, I set out online to find ideas. I came across the advertisement for Antique Fire Trucks for sale. The link took me to  a great site where I found an impressive list of trucks on auction. Space was at a premium on the grounds of the fire station, so I knew it couldn't be one of the more modern trucks; they are much larger. There was a beautiful old truck with wooden wheels from the early 20's though, and it was quite small. It had such character and charm. Still bright red, it projected the feelings of hope felt by all who were rescued by the men it once carried into action. You could just see the smiling faces of children whose cats were brought down out of trees by the selfless community servants that rode this truck in it's day. Though not nearly as much of a force to be reckoned with as today's fire truck, it captured all of what firefighters and a fire department are. It was perfect arff truck .

The office was absolutely thrilled. No one had ever seen Antique Fire Trucks for sale And though no price could ever be too high for the worth of our devoted firefighters whose lives are put on the line routinely for the safety of our residents, the price was very, very reasonable. I presented the proposal to our board for approval and got it rather quickly. We made the purchase and now all that was left was to decide on presentation.

We had a parade planned for the bi-centennial. The Mayor suggested that at the end of the parade route, we should pull the Fire Chief to the stage and make a speech about our amazing and appreciated fire department. Then we would pull the truck on a float at the end of the procession and time it so that he would be taking the microphone right as it approached. Everything went to plan and as the truck float made it's way toward the stage, the Mayor put his hand on the back of the Fire Chief and just waited for him to realize what he was looking at. Then he took the mic back and presented the truck to the department to the applause and tears of our city's residents.