2.If you could buy any present in the world for someone else, what would you get themand who would you buy it for?
I would get a present for my dad I would give him his dad to come over here so that he could see him again.
3.what would be your best present for christmas?
my favorite present for christmas would be to ahev my family in my house celebrating my grandpop favorite holiday.
4.Where are you spending your christmas this year?
Im spending this christmas year in my grandma house with all my family.
5.If you were in charge of school tomorrowe(the daY before christmas break) what changees would you make?( wrtie at lease 4 sentences)
I would change everything. I would put decorations al around the school.I would have would have paint the hole school again to make it look nice for christmas day.also i weould have put a tree not that big but not small in the office for who ever comes in they could see it.
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