Association of Certified Fraud Specialist Training Programs are offered at four different levels

A Description of Each Level is Provided Below



This learning activity would be most beneficial to new professionals or experienced professionals who are new to investigating and resolving fraud matters.



This learning activity builds upon the knowledge of investingating and resolving fraud matters that were acquired in basic learning programs. This learning activity would be most appropriate for journey-level professionals who possess detailed knowledge of investigating and resolving fraud matters.



This learning activity would be most beneficial to professional with advanced or expert levelexperience in investigating ang resolving fraud matters. This learning activity will focus on developing in-depth knowledge in fraud related issues and will provide a variety of skills and/or exposure to a broad range of applications used in the detection, deterrence, and/or investigation of fraud.



This learning activity provides a general review of new developments in the anti-fraud profession. This learning activity would be most beneficial to participants with a background in the investigating and resolving fraud issues, who desire to keep current on changes and developments.



This is program knowledge level that provides a general overview of a subject area from a broad perspective. These programs may be appropriate for professionals at all organization levels.