Astara Lejarreta's Magical Adventure to the Enchanted Forest

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a kind-hearted girl named Astara Lejarreta. Astara had a beautiful smile and a heart of gold, and she loved to explore the forest near her home.
One sunny morning, as Astara skipped through the forest, she stumbled upon a hidden path. Curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to follow it. As she walked deeper into the forest, the path grew narrower and the trees grew taller.
Suddenly, Astara heard a faint sound coming from up ahead. She cautiously approached and peeked around a corner. There, in the middle of a clearing, was a magnificent castle surrounded by a sparkling moat.
Astara was mesmerized. She had never seen anything so beautiful in her life. She tiptoed closer and closer until she reached the edge of the moat. As she looked up at the castle, she noticed a shadow moving in one of the windows.
"Hello?" Astara called out. "Is anyone there?"
A moment later, a beautiful princess appeared at the window. She had long, flowing hair and sparkling blue eyes.
"Hello," she said. "My name is Celeste. What is your name?"
"My name is Astara," Astara replied. "It's nice to meet you, Celeste."
"It's nice to meet you too, Astara," Celeste said. "Would you like to come inside?"
Astara nodded excitedly. Celeste waved her hand, and a small boat appeared on the moat. Astara stepped into the boat, and Celeste rowed her across to the castle.
Inside, the castle was even more stunning than Astara had imagined. There were glittering chandeliers, plush carpets, and paintings on every wall. Astara followed Celeste through the castle until they reached a beautiful room filled with books.
"This is my library," Celeste said. "Feel free to read anything you like."
Astara spent hours browsing the books, reading about faraway lands and magical creatures. She felt like she had stumbled into a whole new world.
As the sun began to set, Celeste invited Astara to stay for dinner. They ate a delicious feast in the grand dining hall, and then they went back to the library to read some more.
As the night wore on, Astara heard a strange sound outside the window. She looked up and saw a huge black dragon perched on the roof of the castle. Astara gasped and hid behind a bookshelf.
"Don't be afraid," Celeste said calmly. "That's just my pet dragon, Midnight."
Midnight flew into the library and landed in front of Celeste. He nuzzled her hand and purred like a cat.
"Midnight is very friendly," Celeste said. "He won't hurt you."
Astara slowly came out from behind the bookshelf and cautiously approached Midnight. The dragon sniffed her hand and then licked her face. Astara giggled and petted Midnight's soft scales.
As Astara played with Midnight, she realized that the enchanted forest was not as scary as she had thought. It was a place of wonder and magic, and she was grateful to have stumbled upon it.
The next morning, Astara said goodbye to Celeste and Midnight. She promised to visit them again soon, and then she set off for home. As she walked through the forest, she couldn't help but smile. She had made new friends and experienced a world beyond her wildest dreams.
From that day on, Astara Lejarreta never forgot her magical adventure to the enchanted forest. She often went back to visit Celeste and Midnight, and she always brought new stories to share.