Gentle Hyperbaric Chamber

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) includes  newtowne hyperbaric chamber   breathing oxygen in a compressed chamber. HBOT is utilized globally for in excess of 80 distinct circumstances. North of 30,000 examination reads up help its utilization for iron deficiency, joint pain, athletic wounds and execution, a lack of ability to concentrate consistently jumble, chemical imbalance, auto-insusceptible issues, Bell's Palsy, mind and head wounds, babesiosis, cardiovascular sickness, cerebral edema, cerebral paralysis, Crohn's infection, dementia, diabetes, interstitial cystitis, peevish gut disorder and colitis, Lyme illness, learning handicaps, macular degeneration, MS, neuropathies, non-mending wounds, Parkinson's, PTSD, radiation-harmed tissue, reconstructive medical procedure, Rheumatoid circumstances, stroke, TBI and that's only the tip of the iceberg.


The expanded strain loads oxygen into the plasma and every one of the liquids of the body, permitting oxygen to profoundly enter the cerebrum, organs, and different tissues. Expanded oxygen speeds up bone, skin, and muscle recovery assists the body with battling contaminations all the more successfully and makes a strong calming difference. Fundamentally, hyperbaric oxygen treatment speeds up the recuperating system, reinforces and standardizes the invulnerable framework, and permits body capabilities to move along.


Over the long haul the mix of expanded oxygen and expanded pressure permits tissues and organ capability to change in manners that were not physiologically imaginable before the treatment. HBOT is a strong calming and standardizes invulnerable capability, so is useful for immune system and fiery sickness, like rheumatoid joint pain and its many related structures. It animates development factors and prepares stem/begetter cells, which help in the recuperation of harmed organs and tissues. It is utilized pre-and present a medical procedure on work with improved results. HBOT energizes DNA exchanging and mitochondrial biogenesis, which are basic in neuro-recovery and treatment of chemical imbalance, cerebral paralysis, stroke, mental weakness, and horrendous cerebrum wounds. Competitors use it for its presentation improving characteristics and to help muscle mending.




Our staff doctor is confirmed in Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine and will work with you to devise a fitting treatment plan. Whether one is thinking about knee substitution and needs to improve the careful result, speed recuperation, or is managing a persistent or intense wellbeing challenge, Lyme illness, form, mental weakness, or blackout, HBOT can be a strong mending instrument.