Auckland traffic: A tale of woe and woebegone commuters

"Auckland traffic: A tale of woe and woebegone commuters"
The daily grind of Auckland traffic is a tale of woe for many commuters. Here's a tongue-in-cheek look at the trials and tribulations of getting around the City of Sails.

Auckland traffic is a beast. It's a snarling, fanged, four-wheeled monster that preys on the patience of commuters. It's a daily grind that can turn even the most mild-mannered driver into a road-raging Hulk.

I know this all too well. As a daily commuter, I've spent countless hours stuck in Auckland's traffic jams. I've witnessed the best and worst of human behavior behind the wheel. I've seen grown men cry, women tear their hair out, and children reduced to gibbering wrecks.

But I've also learned a few things about surviving Auckland traffic. Here are my top tips:

  • Leave early. This is the golden rule of Auckland commuting. If you want to avoid the worst of the traffic, you need to leave home early. Aim to leave at least an hour before you need to be at work.
  • Take public transport. If you can, take public transport. It's not always the fastest option, but it's often the most stress-free. You can relax and let someone else do the driving.
  • Find an alternative route. If you're tired of sitting in the same old traffic jams, try finding an alternative route. There are often multiple ways to get to your destination, so experiment until you find one that works for you.
  • Be prepared. If you're stuck in traffic, be prepared. Bring a book, some music, or a podcast to keep you entertained. You might also want to pack some snacks and drinks.
  • Stay calm. The most important thing is to stay calm. Getting angry or frustrated will only make the situation worse. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you'll eventually reach your destination.

Auckland traffic is a challenge, but it's one that can be overcome. With a little planning and preparation, you can make your commute a little bit easier.

So, what's your favorite Auckland traffic story? Leave a comment below and let me know.