Methods for a better score on a life insurance paramedical assessment

AXIS Capital is a group of global insurer and reinsurer, providing clients and distribution partners with a broad range of specialized risk transfer products and services. We serve a host of industries and diverse coverage needs through our operating subsidiaries and branch offices in Bermuda, Australia, Canada, Europe, Latin America, Singapore and the United States. The company also service SE Asian countries such as Jakarta Indonesia, KL Malaysia and many more. We present you these tips to improve scores on a life insurance paramedical exam.

Don't smoke

"Somebody who has smoked their entire life for 50 years and then stops smoking for three months – they're considered a non-smoker," Dziuba says. Dziuba isn't telling that smokers lie on their applications and stop smoking a few months prior the test. Carriers take into account a history of smoking when the person is examined, but the lab results only test for nicotine currently in the system, he says.


Warning, don’t eat overnight or at least two hours prior the exam. A last meal the preceding night must be healthy and well balanced. The applicant might likewise be informed not to drink anything up to four hours before the exam, although a little amount of water may be permitted. Dziuba instructs clients to plan exams for a weekday and not a Monday – a weekend of spoiling in fatty foods and alcohol can increase cholesterol levels on a Monday.

Lose weight

You must not attempt to lose weight hasty. That will typically get rid of water weight. However losing one to two pounds per week over a few months, or optimistically over a year, can relieve an applicant fall from being a standard risk to getting a favored rate – a 15% to 20% difference in premiums.

Don't drink alcohol

Keep away from alcohol for at least 12 and if possible 48 hours prior to the exam, since it can raise blood pressure and unfavorably disturb elements of the blood work. High blood pressure can be the alteration amid a standard and preferred rate, a savings of up to 20%.

Cut back on caffeine

Regulate caffeine drinking 48 hours before the exam, and certainly no caffeine that morning. It upsurges blood pressure and pulse rate and can incite an improper heart rate. You must stay away from coffee and tea and some soft drinks, cold remedies and pain medications.

Reduce your salt

Salt can increase blood pressure by letting the body to keep fluids, so restrict its use in the three to four days before an exam.

Don't exercise

At least don’t go to the gym the morning of the exam, and if possible 24 hours earlier. Cardiovascular workouts can grounds imprecise levels of cholesterol levels, which can be one more risk factor that can thrust an applicant into a higher rating classification.


You’ve possibly had this occur at the doctor's office: You’re anxious about having your blood pressure taken; as a result your blood pressure reads high the first time you take it. Delay a few minutes and take it once more and it goes down.