Brooke Holmes Introduction

Hello! My name is Brooke Holmes and I grew up in Clifton, Virginia. Growing up, my favorite subject was English becaue I loved (and still love) to read. Thus far I would say my biggest personal accomplishment is graduating from the University of South Carolina.

If I could save one non-living item from my house it would be my cell phone. I feel like this might be a predictable answer from someone from my generation, but I am truly attached! If I could select one album as the soundtrack to a movie about my life it would be James Morrison's Songs for You, Truths for Me. I had never given a lot of thought about what the soundtrack to my life would be, but I always find myself playing songs from this album when I am having both good and bad days.

I am studying education in graduate school as a part of my training to become a School Psychologist. I have always loved being a student so I find the educational process to be very intriguing. I look forward to working in the schools this upcoming semester!

I am not planning on becoming an educator, however, as a School Psychologist I hope to work with elementary aged students.

Ten years from now I hope that I will have a fulfilling career, a big happy, healthy family, and a home in South Carolina near the water.