How to Be Drug Free

How To Be Drug Free!!!

Methamphetamine: Methamphetamine, or (Meth) is an addictive stimulant that activates certain systems in the brain.

"Slang Names" for Methamphetamine are Chalk, Crank, Crystal, Glass, Meth, Tweak, Ice, and Tina. 

It is described as a crystal like, or powder substance, and sometimes comes in large chunks. This is why they call it crystal meth. When the powder falls off the crystals, they look like shards of glass.

Meth can be taken orally, snorted, injected, or smoked.

Some of the effects of taking Methamphetamine, are you will have a deep, experiance of intense sensation, it only last a few minutes and is described as extremley pleasureable, the count for smoking or injecting.

Snorting, or swallowing can cause euphoria - it is a high but not a rush, increased wakefulness, and decreased appetite, rapid heartbeat, and hypothermia.

This is why you shouldn't do Drugs.