Beef Jerky Enjoys A Long History And Is A Necessity For Survival

There is a snack that has been popular for several hundred years and began as a meal in 1550. It has even gained in popularity. During the American western expansion, it constituted many of the hobby hours in the making and provided nutrition for adults and kids. The drying of meat, occasionally under saddles while on the prairie, was and is called beef jerky.
Many places, both on and offline will offer this product for sale. When you do the research into this type of snack, you find out the history and you also find out what makes it so popular. This can be made at home. It also can be made in a smoker, out in the back yard. This is an activity that many people do and has become a hobby of sorts.
You will find out, for example, what specific cuts of meat are the best for making jerky. Looking at some of the ways to prepare this meat is helpful to understand what you are getting when you order it. The entire process, when you make it yourself, begins with the purchasing of the beef. You will find that the best meat is the leanest parts of the cow.
No matter how lean the meat is when you buy it, all of the rest of that fat must be cut off when you bring it home. The reason you do this is that fat, when allowed to set, will go rancid. This is not a very good taste and can cause food spoilage and food poisoning. All fat must be removed.
Cleaning the meat with fresh water is important. The makers of this item, in days gone by, did not always have fresh water as they were, occasionally, nomadic people. You have this commodity, today, and it is quite helpful for sanitary reasons. Slicing the meat into very thin strips will happen next. They should not be thicker than about one twentieth of an inch. This is to, again, allow them to dry thoroughly.
You will then need to marinade them to impart the taste you desire. The large companies that prepare this type of snack for sale will use plenty of different smokes, tastes or coatings, often in a proprietary mix, to make theirs better than others. You can use a basic marinade of olive oil, salt and vinegar or add other things you have found desirable.
The meat will then have to be laid in low heat ovens or a smoker to dry it out. You will check it every few hours to ensure the appropriate taste, moisture content and texture. You can find recipes which will provide you with a constant temperature and time chart, in many cook books or online, however, the best beef jerky, for you, is the one that you like the best.
Some of the dangerous times through history that this treat has been used in were times of battle as they could not sit down for a meal. This is a food you eat by hand. This is one of the reasons it is great as a popular item for survivalists in their bug out bags. It is very stable and will not go bad if taken care of properly and an entire weeks worth of it can be carried by one person.
Enjoy the delicious taste of gourmet beef jerky by ordering it directly from our website. If you don't wish to miss out on our latest offers, visit this web page now on