Beluga whale, Norway, Russian spy: Beluga is back

There’s a lot of drama happening in the international community about Russian spies and submarines hiding in the arctic waters near Norway. The case of the Beluga whale, who was captured wearing a GoPro camera and a leather harness with the words “Equipment of St. Petersburg,” has taken a new twist. The whale has now been released back into the wild.

The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries said in a statement on Thursday that the whale was released on Wednesday night in the Varangerfjord in northern Norway.

“The beluga whale was equipped with a camera and harness when it was discovered in Norway earlier this year. The equipment has now been removed, and the whale has been released back into the wild,” the statement said.

The whale was first spotted in Norway in April when it was discovered by fishermen off the coast of Finnmark. At the time, the whale was not wearing any equipment. However, it was later seen swimming near a fishing boat with a GoPro camera attached to its head and a leather harness around its body.

The Norwegian authorities then captured the whale and removed the equipment. The GoPro footage showed the whale swimming in the Arctic waters near Norway and Russia. The footage also showed the whale interacting with other whales and with humans.

The Norwegian government said that the whale was not a spy. However, they did say that the whale could have been used by Russia to collect information on the activities of the Norwegian military.

The release of the whale has been welcomed by animal rights groups. However, it is still not clear what the future holds for the whale. It is possible that the whale will return to Russia. However, it is also possible that the whale will remain in Norwegian waters.

Only time will tell what the future holds for the Beluga whale. However, one thing is for sure: this whale has already made a big splash in the news.