Best Obstetrician in Norwest

Best Obstetrician in Norwest

Every woman is different, and this holds true for her pregnancy as well. Find an obstetrician who is aware of your particular needs because of this. We've created a list of the top obstetricians in Northwest because of this. These doctors can take care of you for everything from early prenatal care through postpartum treatment. So be sure to check out our list if you're searching for an obstetrician in Norwest who will look after both you and your unborn child.

What is an obstetrician?

Obstetricians are doctors who specialize in obstetrics and gynecology. They care for pregnant women and their unborn babies, and they can help prevent many common health problems. Obstetricians often perform abortions, but they also offer other services such as prenatal care and childbirth.

What does an obstetrician do?

A doctor who focuses on childbirth is called an obstetrician. Obstetricians assist pregnant women and can treat a variety of health conditions both during labour and after delivery. Routine prenatal checkups, assisting with pregnancy management, childbirth, and postpartum care are just a few of an obstetrician's typical responsibilities.

How much does an obstetrician charge?

Obstetricians typically charge a range of fees for their services, with some charging more than others. Fees can vary from office to office, depending on the level of experience and training of the doctor. Generally, obstetricians charge anywhere from $150 to $1,500 per visit.

Which hospitals are good for Obstetrics?

Dr.kavita Maravar is the best obstetrician in norwest according to Patient Experience Scores. The report gathers patient feedback about various aspects of care and assigns a numerical value to each category, with 100 being the highest score. 

Norwest scored highest in all areas except for communication, where it was ranked fifth out of six hospitals studied. 

The Patient Experience Score considers factors such as timeliness of appointments, wait time, location and cleanliness. 

The Dr.kavita maravar at Norwest have been known for their expertise in high-risk pregnancies and cesarean sections. They also offer a wide range of services such as labor and delivery, pregnancy checkups and postpartum care.


You've come to the correct place if you're expecting and searching for a reputable obstetrician in Norwest. Our team of professionals can give you all the information you need to decide on your care during pregnancy and afterwards. We provide our patients individualised care and extensive coverage because we want to make sure that every expectant mother has access to the best medical guidance possible. To arrange a consultation, get in touch with us today!