Apprehensions Addressed Regarding Lactation Cookies

Breastfeeding is a blessing for newborns and it has many benefits for the mother too, but it’s not always sunshine and rainbows. It’s a journey of new and unexpected challenges faced by mothers and with daily new obstacles coming, feelings of failure grip the mother's thoughts. Problems could be unlimited like nipple problems, latching difficulties, low energy and low milk supply. Nursing with a decrease in milk supply could be concerning and tricky especially when you're a newly turned mother.

A dip in production makes the nursing mother feel more worried, so they consider adding some lactating cookies in their diet to boost milk supply quickly. Lactating cookies are a tasty and convenient way to support milk production which gives healthy nutritional supplementation with much needed calories to aid nursing mothers' hard working bodies. They could be easily made at home, available at online stores which reach at doorstep or from markets and stores. These cookies are effective but many concerned mothers have queries regarding them, some are discussed below:

About lactation cookies:

Lactation cookies are a well known nursing mothers supplement and report a significant increase in milk supply. They are now quite popular these days, promoted by many bloggers and celebrities. It has become a popular small business of making home-made best lactation cookies around the globe. It includes a balanced mix of herbs, seeds and foods commonly known as galactogogues which helps stimulate milk production.

Some famous ingredients used in them are oats, fenugreek, brewer’s yeast, barley and the list is long which meet the demands of nursing mothers. Some may not taste good, but when mixed with a basic cookie or brownie recipe results in a power pack snack. We recommend some best lactation cookies you can purchase from the online site MILKYMAMA and yes, there are a lot many other things of your interest.

Why do you need to introduce them in your daily routine?

These cookies are a good source of nutritional dense snack packs to enjoy and enhance milk supply efficiently. It also gives a boost to mother’s overall performance and there's plenty of anecdotal evidence to support and to add them in your feeding journey. They also aid in coping with extra calories required by the lactating mothers that’re 400-500 calories per day. These treats are yummy calories added to mothers' daily diet. The ingredients used in them like oats, barley are rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals known as superfoods as well.

How long until lactation cookies start working?

If you google your query about these lactating cookies and how quickly they start working, the answer is simple. They say in just 1 or 2 days, when you start observing a steady increase in the milk supply. one thing which has to be considered is that everybody is different, so it responds distinctly to every woman. It also depends on your milk supply, whether the let down is poor, or you’re naturally not making enough milk or if there is some other medical issue existing. It could work within 24 hours, 2-3 days or even a week before you reap the benefits. Remember! They only support breastfeeding and can’t make milk on their own.

What time of the day is best to consume them?

As they are healthy and nutritious snacks, you can have them any time of the day. Recommendation is to have them in the morning to see a noticeable increase in milk production for the whole day. They can also take them one hour prior to any feeding or pumping session you're planning to make. This will encourage milk supply quickly.

Are all lactation cookies safe to consume?

Whenever you put your hands on any supplement or medicines, you must be aware of its ingredients and labels especially when you’re nursing your infant with breast milk. It is essential because what you eat or drink is actually the fuel to your milk. it has been asked to read labels before purchasing any of them. Also be cautious about, if they have added any sugars or if they have baked them or not? Search for the ingredients, they must have the quality of milk boosting plus healthy too. The best way is to consult your lactation consultant, who can suggest you some best lactation cookies and companies.

Side effects

Side effects may vary from person to person, because of active ingredients, its combinations and doses too. You may experience a good increase in milk supply but few unwanted downsides also emerge as unwelcome guests. Sometimes the balance of ingredients is perfect in the cookies but they interact with your prescribed medicines and allergies. You can decrease the amount of cookies or stop using them till the symptoms subsides completely. Common manageable bad effects are bloating, gas, loose stools and weight gain due to excess intake of calories from these snacks.

Summing up

They are a very supporting snack for nursing mothers and you can eat them till you’re nursing and can easily leave them too. it is better to ask your physician before supplementing your diet. These cookies come in various flavors and exceptions like vegan cookies or gluten free. So feel optimistic to include them in your daily diet with moderation.