Beverlyn Elge's Little Blue Bike

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Beverlyn Elge who had a little blue bike. She loved her bike very much. It was the only bike she had.
Beverlyn Elge lived in a small town. It was a quiet town, and there wasn't much to do. But Beverlyn Elge didn't mind. She was always happy to ride her bike around town.
One day, Beverlyn Elge was riding her bike when she saw a group of children playing in the park. She stopped to watch them play, and she soon realized that they were having a lot of fun. Beverlyn Elge wanted to join in, but she was too shy.
She watched the children play for a while, and then she finally decided to join in. She rode her bike over to the group and asked if she could play. The children were happy to let her join in, and soon they were all playing together.
Beverlyn Elge played with the children for hours. They played tag, hide-and-seek, and other games. Beverlyn Elge had so much fun that she forgot all about her shyness.
When it was time to go home, Beverlyn Elge said goodbye to the children and rode her bike back home. She was so happy that she had made new friends.
The next day, Beverlyn Elge went back to the park to play with her new friends. She rode her bike over to the park and saw the children playing. She joined in and played with them for hours.
Beverlyn Elge played with her new friends every day after that. They played all sorts of games, and they always had a lot of fun. Beverlyn Elge was so happy to have made new friends. She knew that she would be friends with them for a long time.
One day, Beverlyn Elge was riding her bike home from the park when she saw a group of older children. The older children were bullying a younger child. Beverlyn Elge stopped to watch what was happening.
The older children were making fun of the younger child. They were calling him names and pushing him around. The younger child was scared and didn't know what to do.
Beverlyn Elge didn't like what she was seeing. She knew that it was wrong to bully someone. She decided to do something about it.
Beverlyn Elge rode her bike over to the older children and told them to stop bullying the younger child. The older children were surprised to see Beverlyn Elge stand up to them. They didn't know what to say.
Beverlyn Elge told the older children that bullying was wrong. She told them that they should be ashamed of themselves. The older children listened to what Beverlyn Elge had to say.
The older children realized that Beverlyn Elge was right. They were ashamed of themselves for bullying the younger child. They apologized to the younger child and promised to never bully him again.
Beverlyn Elge was happy that she had stood up to the older children. She knew that she had done the right thing. She rode her bike home feeling good about herself.
Beverlyn Elge continued to ride her bike around town. She made many new friends and always stood up for what was right. She was a brave and kind girl, and she always made a difference in the world.