Is Text Marketing Right for your Business?


Every business has to think about what marketing tactics will work best for the type of service or product they are selling. While it may make sense to use one form of marketing for one business, it won’t make as much sense to another. It is important that you consider all your options in preparation for your marketing plan in the new year and figure out what exactly will work best for you. Almost every business can benefit from text marketing though. Here are some reasons why text marketing might work well for your business.

Fast, immediate information

According to Business2Community, 90% of texts are opened within the first three minutes they are received, and 98% of texts are opened and reviewed. That is an amazing number of customers who are guaranteed to see the message you are sending. This is likely due to the fact that customers consider texting a quick and easy form of communication, and most people get regular notifications on their phone for texting while they may have turned off notifications for other forms of communication such as email. Because of these statistics, you can guarantee your customers are getting information from you very quickly, and you can ensure you are getting your point across.

Another major benefit from the quick and easy communication that comes with texting is that you can offer your customers two way texting, which will in turn, allow them to communicate back with you by asking all the questions they would have originally called about. They will get a response immediately, and it is what they want and expect of businesses.

Conversion rates are great

The conversion rates for text marketing are at 45%. That’s a dream conversion rate for most companies, and it makes texting look much more appealing. Don’t let this number encourage you to start spamming your customers with texts all the time. Rather, strategic text marketing is going to be more effective and even increase that conversion rate for your business.

Best customer service is useful

Using text messages with your customers is great for pushing marketing on them, but it also creates a useful customer service tool. If customers can use the same tool in which you advertise to also communicate with you and ask questions they need, then you will get twice as much use out of one tool, which is very appealing to customers. Millennials, especially, want more ways to communicate through text where they don’t actually have to talk to a person. So if Millennials are in your target audience, it is very important that you have text marketing set up as well as social media marketing.

One thing that is important to note is that most people check texts immediately, so they are likely to pull themselves away from whatever they are doing to reach what you just sent them. Make sure your texts are valuable or customers will be frustrated that you interrupted them instead of being happy to get a text from your business.

Mobile demands more

Marketing today can be done almost exclusively through mobile because nearly everyone has a cell phone. Of course, other forms of mobile marketing should be executed as part of your overall strategy, but texting is the groundwork for the path to successful mobile marketing.

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