5 Tips for Advertising to Teachers

Teachers are one of the best people to advertise to, whether you are selling educational products or not. If you can get them using your products in their classroom or talking to their students about it in a positive way, then you’ve snagged not only a teacher’s business but the business of an entire generation of students. It’s amazing word of mouth advertising, and teachers may not even realize they are doing it for you. Here are 5 tips to follow when advertising to teachers.

Stick With Technology

Many teachers are already using the most advanced technology as part of the education process. They are extremely familiar with the use of smartphones, tablets, computers, and anything else that will help them reach out better to their students. This is not the generation of teachers that sticks with books; they focus on online learning and helping their students navigate the Internet. That means you can easily reach out to them through social media, email, your website, and other forms of communication. It also means that the use of technology is essential in proving that your business is a worthwhile cause.

  •     You can use artificial intelligence is one way you can really communicate with teachers. They are able to chat or text your business with questions even while during a quiet time in the classroom, and they can do it on their schedule easily. It can also help your business determine exactly what your audience wants to see and hear from your company. A machine learning startup can be extremely helpful in determining typical behaviors online for teachers.
  •     Make sure your website is up to date and looks good. Many of these teachers are actually teaching web design to their students, and it would be better to be a good example of what to do instead of being a bad example in the classroom.
  •     Use social media to stay in contact with teachers because it is easy for them to communicate with your company. Remember that teachers are using social media platforms for personal use as well as to stay in contact with their students in many cases. They may also show your social media site as a good or bad example of marketing to their students. You never want to be the bad example.

Ask For Feedback

If there’s one thing educators identify with, it’s feedback. They offer it to their students every day, to parents on a regular basis, and to their school for what can be done better. Teachers are also used to receiving feedback from teachers, educators, and students every day. They know how to give it properly and are more than happy to provide it in most cases, especially if they are given a coupon or reward for their troubles. The information given to your business from an educator on how to improve is likely going to be more valuable than from your average customer. Ask for a teacher’s feedback, and you will get extremely valuable information in return.

Consider Their Budgets

Teachers aren’t paid as well as they should be, and a lot of times, they end up spending their own money on their student and classroom needs. If they don’t have a lot of extra money to spend, you need to ensure you are providing the highest quality product at the lowest price. Coupons and promotions are extremely valuable, so send them out to educators frequently. A teacher will get excited about a coupon at your company, especially if they already know they like your product or service. Send these promotions through email, text, and through social media to ensure they are reaching the right people.

Sell Online

Most teachers don’t have a lot of extra time on their hands to go to the store, so being able to purchase your product online is extremely valuable. In fact, 80% of teachers said they make purchases online. Honestly, most of your customers have likely started shopping online on a regular basis already. If you really want to reach educators, make getting your product or service as easy as possible. They need to be able to simply click on a link and buy it. Don’t make it harder than necessary by making them call to purchase or asking them to go to your store.

Advertising to teachers may be your best investment yet. Just make sure you reach them through the right channels and take their lifestyle into consideration, and you’ll find success.

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Source: huffingtonpost .com/entry/why-marketing-to-educators-may-be-the-best-decision_us_5a149640e4b009b331ad7572