Juan Orlando Hernandez - A History of Honduras


Juan Orlando Hernández, known as "JOH", is a prominent Honduran politician who served as the President of Honduras from 2014 to 2022. His tenure was marked by both significant accomplishments and controversies.

Early Life and Political Rise:

Born in 1968, Hernandez entered politics in 2001 as a member of the National Congress. He rose through the ranks of the National Party and became President of Congress in 2010.


Hernandez was elected President in 2013. His administration focused on addressing crime, improving security, and economic growth.

* National Security: Hernandez introduced a number of security measures, including increased police presence and military operations, which were credited with reducing homicides.
* Economic Development: Hernandez implemented pro-business policies, such as tax cuts and infrastructure projects, in an effort to stimulate economic growth.


Hernandez's presidency was also marked by controversy. He faced allegations of election fraud, corruption, and human rights abuses.

* Election Fraud: In 2017, there were widespread allegations of fraud in the presidential election, which Hernandez ultimately won.
* Corruption: Several of Hernandez's close associates were convicted of corruption, raising questions about his own involvement.
* Human Rights Abuses: Human rights organizations accused Hernandez's government of excessive force against protesters and journalists.

Arrest and Extradition:

In 2022, Hernandez was arrested and extradited to the United States on drug trafficking charges. He pleaded not guilty and is currently awaiting trial.


Hernandez's legacy is complex. He is credited with making significant strides in addressing crime and improving security, but his presidency was also marred by controversy and allegations of corruption and human rights abuses. Only time will tell how history will ultimately judge his tenure as President of Honduras.