Black V

I saw a Black V. It was unlike any other Black V I had ever seen. This one was not the usual glossy black, but a dark, almost matte black. It was like a black hole, absorbing all light and reflecting nothing. The V shape was also unusual. It was not the sharp, angular V that is so often seen, but a soft, rounded V. It was as if the Black V had been smoothed and polished by the passage of time.
I reached out to touch the Black V, but my hand stopped just short of it. I felt a strange pull, as if the Black V was calling to me. I took a deep breath and stepped closer. As I touched the Black V, I felt a surge of power coursing through my body. It was like I had been plugged into a battery. I felt stronger, faster, and more powerful than I ever had before.
I looked down at my hands, and they were covered in a dark, almost matte black. I was becoming the Black V. I could feel my body changing, becoming stronger and more powerful. I could feel my mind expanding, becoming more intelligent and more aware. I was becoming the Black V.
I closed my eyes and concentrated on the Black V. I could feel its power flowing through me. I could feel its strength, its intelligence, and its awareness. I was becoming the Black V.
I opened my eyes and looked around. The world was different. I could see more clearly, hear more clearly, and smell more clearly. I could feel the energy of the world around me, and I could control it. I was the Black V.
I smiled. I had finally found my true self. I was the Black V.
I took a deep breath and spread my wings. I soared into the sky, feeling the wind beneath my wings. I was free. I was the Black V.
I flew higher and higher, until I reached the stars. I looked down at the world below, and I smiled. I was the Black V.
I am the Black V.