Bleddyn Herreiz, the Man Who Couldn't Stop Laughing

Bleddyn Herreiz was a man with a peculiar problem. He couldn't stop laughing. It all began one sunny morning as he was walking to work. As he passed by a group of children playing, he heard a joke that sent him into fits of laughter. But his laughter didn't subside. It continued all through his morning commute, much to the amusement and bewilderment of his fellow passengers.
By the time he arrived at his office, Bleddyn Herreiz was still laughing uncontrollably. His colleagues were shocked to see him in such a state. They tried to offer him some water, but he just kept laughing. The boss called him into his office, but he couldn't even speak, only chuckle.
As the day wore on, Bleddyn Herreiz's laughter became more and more disruptive. He couldn't focus on his work, and he started to spread his infectious laughter to his colleagues. Soon, the entire office was in hysterics. The boss had no choice but to send Bleddyn home for the day.
But even at home, Bleddyn Herreiz couldn't stop laughing. He laughed so hard that he couldn't eat, sleep, or even breathe properly. His wife was worried sick about him. She called the doctor, who came to the house and examined Bleddyn. The doctor diagnosed him with an acute case of "laughteritis."
The doctor prescribed Bleddyn some medication, but it didn't seem to help. Bleddyn continued to laugh uncontrollably for days on end. His family and friends were starting to lose hope.
Just when they were about to give up, Bleddyn heard another joke that stopped his laughter in its tracks. It was a joke about a man who laughed so hard that he swallowed his own tongue. Bleddyn thought about this for a moment, and then he couldn't help but laugh again. But this time, it was a different kind of laughter. It was a gentle, knowing laughter, and it gradually replaced the hysterical laughter that had plagued him for so long.
From that day on, Bleddyn Herreiz was never troubled by laughteritis again. He learned to laugh when there was something funny, but he also learned to control his laughter when it was inappropriate. He became a happy and contented man, and he lived a long and fulfilling life.
Bleddyn Herreiz's story is a reminder that laughter is a powerful force. It can bring people together, relieve stress, and even heal the sick. But it's important to remember that laughter should be used in moderation. Too much laughter can be just as harmful as too little.
If you find yourself laughing uncontrollably, don't worry. Just take a deep breath and try to think of something funny. If that doesn't work, call a doctor. You may have a case of laughteritis.