Breanna Muriwai: The Chef Who's Cooking Up Change

Breanna Muriwai is the chef who is cooking up change. Growing up in a small town in New Zealand, she watched as her family struggled to make ends meet. Determined to break the cycle of poverty, she turned to her passion for cooking.
After graduating from culinary school, Breanna moved to Auckland and began working in some of the city's top restaurants. But she quickly realized that the food industry was not what she had hoped for. She saw firsthand how exploited workers were, and how little they were paid.
So, Breanna decided to start her own business. She opened a small café in a working-class neighborhood and made a commitment to paying her employees a living wage and providing them with health insurance.
Breanna's café was an instant success. People loved her delicious food and her commitment to social justice. But it wasn't long before she realized that she could do more.
She started working with local farmers and food banks to source sustainable ingredients and donate meals to those in need. She also began teaching cooking classes to young people, empowering them with the skills to live healthy lives.
Today, Breanna Muriwai is a force to be reckoned with. She is a celebrated chef, a successful entrepreneur, and a passionate advocate for social change. She is proof that one person can make a difference.

Breanna's Story

I grew up in a small town in New Zealand. My family was poor, and we often struggled to make ends meet. But my parents always believed in me, and they encouraged me to follow my dreams.
I've always loved to cook. As a child, I would spend hours in the kitchen with my grandmother, learning the traditional Maori recipes that had been passed down through generations.
When I was 18, I moved to Auckland to attend culinary school. I was determined to become a chef, and I worked hard to achieve my goal.
After graduating, I worked in some of Auckland's top restaurants. But I quickly realized that the food industry was not what I had hoped for. I saw firsthand how exploited workers were, and how little they were paid.
I knew that I had to do something different. So, I decided to start my own business. I opened a small café in a working-class neighborhood and made a commitment to paying my employees a living wage and providing them with health insurance.
My café was an instant success. People loved my delicious food and my commitment to social justice. But it wasn't long before I realized that I could do more.
I started working with local farmers and food banks to source sustainable ingredients and donate meals to those in need. I also began teaching cooking classes to young people, empowering them with the skills to live healthy lives.
Today, I am proud to say that my café is more than just a business. It is a community hub where people can come together to share food, stories, and ideas. I am grateful for the opportunity to use my passion for cooking to make a difference in the world.

Breanna's Mission

My mission is to create a more just and sustainable food system. I believe that everyone deserves to have access to healthy, affordable food, regardless of their income or background.
I am working to achieve this mission through my café, my work with local farmers and food banks, and my cooking classes. I am also a vocal advocate for policies that support sustainable agriculture and fair labor practices.
I believe that we can create a better food system for everyone. It will take hard work and dedication, but I am confident that we can make it happen.