Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Score: Know Your Risk, Take Control

Did You Know?
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States. While early detection is crucial, knowing your individual risk level can help you make informed decisions about screenings and preventive measures. Enter the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Score.

What is the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Score?
The Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Score is a tool used to estimate a woman's lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. It considers factors such as age, family history, personal medical history, reproductive history, and lifestyle habits. By inputting this information into a calculator, you can generate a score that falls within a range from 0 to 100%.

Why Should You Get Assessed?
1. Knowledge is Power: Knowing your risk level can empower you to make proactive choices regarding your health.
2. Early Detection: A higher risk score may warrant more frequent screenings, allowing for early detection and timely treatment.
3. Preventive Measures: If you're at a higher risk, you can explore preventive options such as lifestyle modifications or medications.

How to Get Assessed
1. Use an Online Calculator: Several reputable organizations provide online breast cancer risk assessment calculators.
2. Consult a Healthcare Professional: Your doctor or a certified genetic counselor can provide a personalized assessment based on your family and medical history.

1. The Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Score is not a diagnosis. It's an estimate based on known risk factors.
2. Even with a low score, it's crucial to maintain regular screenings and practice breast awareness.
3. If you have concerns about your risk level, don't hesitate to seek professional guidance.

Empower Yourself
By utilizing the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Score, you can take an active role in your breast health journey. Knowledge and awareness can lead to better outcomes and empower you to make informed decisions that help you lead a long and healthy life.