Brendan Mullin

Agus a Mhac Dé leat, a Mhuire ó!
As a child, I always looked forward to the annual arrival of Brendan Mullin. He was a larger-than-life figure who would come to our school, carrying a huge sack filled with toys and treats. He would set up his stall in the playground, and we would all queue up, eager to see what he had for us.
Brendan was more than just a Santa Claus figure. He was a friend to all the children, and he always had time for a chat and a laugh. He was also a gifted storyteller, and he would often entertain us with tales of his adventures in far-off lands.
One year, Brendan told us a story about how he had met the Pope. He said that the Pope had asked him to pray for the children of Ireland, and Brendan had promised that he would. We were all very impressed, and we knew that Brendan was a very special person.
Brendan Mullin died in 2009, but his memory lives on. He was a true friend to children, and he made a real difference in their lives.
Go raibh a anam dílis ina shuí!