Pierce Butler



Pierce Butler was born on July 11, 1744 in County Carlow Ireland.

Family history:

Pierce was born the third his parents had. Pierce had two younger brothers. His father was Sir Richard Butler, he was part of the parliment and a baronet. In 1771, Pierce married Mary Middleton. and later moved with her to South Carolina. the couple only had only one girl.


pierce's education was unknown.


Pierce had been a soldier, a planter and a politition. He didnt inherit his fathers estates, so, he pursued in a military career. Pierce became a major in majesty 29th regimant. He was elected to the assembely in 1778 and became a General in the South Carolina military. Before long he resigned his commission to take up a planters life in the Charleseton area. While in legislature through most of the 1780's, he took over leadership in the democratic upcountry faction in the state. During the war of Independence cost him much of his property.

Constitutional Convention:

Pierce had won election to both the constitutional convention and the continental congress in 1787. He arrived at the convention at the age of 43. Butler was an outspoken nationalist who attended practically ever session.He was a key spokesman for rthe madision-wilson caucus. Butler also, supported the interest of southern slaveholders. he had served on the committee on postponed matters.

Failures and Accomplishments:

On Butlers return back to south carolina he defended the constittution but he did not participate in the ratifying convention, but he did support the Hamiltons fiscal program but opposed Jays treaty and federalist judiciary and tariff measures.

Life after the convention:

Butler sat in the senate again in 1803-1804 to fill out unexpired term, and once again demonstrated the party independence , but for the most part, his later life career was spent as a wealthy planter. In his last years, he moved to Philadelphia, apprently to be near his daughter who had married a local physician.


Butler later died in Philadelphia on February 15, 1822 at the age of 77. Butler was buried in the yard of a christ church.