The Best Organic Skin Care According To Your Skin Type

Skin care has taken the world by storm, more and more people are joining the bandwagon and ditching the over-hyped cosmetics products. People are finally understanding that the ridiculous beauty standards set by the beauty industry and discriminating and derogatory. It is high time to say no to the harmful chemicals and preservatives that are put shamelessly in the beauty products and embrace our inner beauty. We must feel comfortable in our own skin for which we need to give all the love to our natural skin. When it comes to natural skin care, organic products pop in our mind. Organic skin care products do for the skin what healthy food, good exercise or water does for our body. There are several amazing companies like Mooseberry, who not only sell organic products in retail but also bulk skin care bases.

Skin care products go right on our skin which means that our skin will absorb the products applied on top of it. Our skin is the largest organ which has the ability to absorb 70% of the things that we put on it. We have to make sure what we put on it works for our skin type in order to get the best results. There are basically five skin types and we must know what our skin type is and decide the organic skin care products accordingly. Organic products have dozens of benefits for our skin as they are enriched with vitamins, antioxidants, essential oils, proteins, terpenoids, bioactive compounds and hydrocolloids. In this article, I will try to cater to all four skin types and suggest the best organic skin care products for each.

The Best Organic skin Care According to Your Skin Type

1.           Normal Skin

Normal skin might seem like a myth if we believe the beauty industry. As they want us to fall into a category in order to purchase the products they have excluded this term altogether. But many people do have normal skin type, which means that their skin doesn’t have any extremes like redness, breakouts, reactions, dry patches or pigmentation. A little oil on the chin area or T-zone or some dryness when the weather changes is pretty normal, so don’t try to complicate things.

Cherish the natural balance of your skin and do just the basics. Always cleanse your face twice a day with a cleanser or organic soap bar. After cleansing the face thoroughly apply a moisturizer to restore the lost moisture. I recommend using water based moisturizer in order to keep things light and breathable. You can always end it up with a rose water or vitamin-C toner to refresh and rejuvenate the skin.

2.           Oily or Acne Prone Skin

Oily skin is the skin type which produces excessive amounts of oil that shows up even after you wash or cleanse several times a day. It peeks through your makeup and gets it your way every time. You have a shiny complexion, have blemishes and enlarged pores. Furthermore, oily skin is also prone to breakouts and acne which means that your sebaceous glands are working overtime. The sebum is getting trapped in your pores making them large, inflamed and infected. The key thing to understand here is that not to over wash your oily skin. The more you strip it off from the moisture the sebaceous gland starts working overtime, thus aggravating the situation.

The best skin care routine with organic skin products will be cleansing but not more than twice a day. Follow this up with a toner which has tea tree oil or aloe Vera. I would suggest Lemongrass soap bar for Mooseberry to cleanse the face.

3.           Dry Skin

Dry skin is a common skin type in which your skin has less elasticity, invisible pores, prominent facial lines and dull, rough complexion. Dry skin isn’t that serious like oily skin but it’s very uncomfortable for the person. There are various reasons for the skin being dry or dehydrated like excessive sun exposure with sunblock, unhealthy diet, less water intake and aging. If you want to have a supple and elastic skin then you must hydrate it with natural and organic ingredients like Aloe Vera, Shea butter, Mango butter, hyaluronic acid and essential oils like sandalwood. Be sure not to strip the oils off of the skin and do the cleansing moderately with no harsh ingredients and moisturize as much as you can.

4.           Combination Skin

Next up is the most common type of skin which is combination skin. It tends to get dry in some areas like cheeks and side of the face and get oil in the T-zone. The best approach for this skin type is to go for a gentle cleanser, mild toner and water based moisturizer.


Organic products are the future of the skin care industry or the beauty industry as a whole. Figure out what your skin type is and treat it the way it deserves with the right products and right skin care regime.