Bullying part 2

There are many possible effects of bullying. One of the major effects of bullying is teen suicide. Most people go through bullying for their whole life and it gets to a point to where they just can’t take it anymore. So much loneliness and anger and fear has built up for so long and it gets to the point where they think the only way out is to kill them self. They don’t want to live anymore. I have a personal story but I’m not going to share it. It’s not just teenagers who have thoughts of it though. High schoolers and middle schoolers are the most common people who have suicide thoughts. Bullying results in 4,400 deaths per year. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Bullying is a key cause of teen suicide.

Another everyday effect of bullying is self harm. Teenagers get bullied frequently and it builds up so much pain that cutting their wrist relieves pain. Knives are one of the most common items used in cutting. Teenagers get the weapon, and go into the bathroom to cut themselves and watch their wrist bleed to relieve the pain caused by everyday bullies. It’s really a terrible thing what just saying someone is ugly or calling them stupid can do to their life and body. Suicide and cutting are very common effects of bullying.

If you have ever been a bully, or a victim, just stop for a moment and realize what you are doing. Your mean words can do so much more to someone than you think. I personally have been bullied pretty much all of my life, believe it or not. The person next to you right now could be a victim of bullying. Sometimes the people you least expect are the ones who get hurt the worst. While that girl over there seems perfectly fine, she also cries herself to sleep every night. That guy over there that is overweight? Yeah, he has an eating disorder. That girl that cakes her face in makeup? She was abused as a child and she used the makeup to cover up the scars. You can’t judge someone just by their appearance. They have a story that you haven’t even tried to read yet. So I challenge you. Someone that you see getting bullied, go up to them and tell him that they are beautiful and amazing. You just might save a life.