BURN, BURN, BURN, BURN!!! And Then Go To School

Okay okay, so maybe I was slightly exaggerating with that title but I have a feeling that by the end of this article you'll agree with me that Burnside High School is the definition of "lit".

I know it sounds crazy, but I absolutely love my high school. From the teachers to the students to the clubs and activities, there's not a single thing I would change about Burnside High School. Actually, that's not true. I would change one thing: the school colors. Our school colors are orange and black which, in my opinion, are the two ugliest colors known to man. I mean, really, who thought that was a good idea? Oranges are supposed to be, well, orange and black is supposed to be the color of tuxedos, not high school spirit!

I kid, I kid. Burnside High School is the best school in the world at least according to me and my friends. We have everything you could possibly ever want in a high school. We have a great academic program, a ton of extracurricular activities, and an amazing staff. The teachers are all really passionate about what they teach and they're always willing to help their students. The students are all really friendly and welcoming, and they're always down to have a good time. And the staff is always there to help you out with anything you need, whether it's academic or personal. But don't take my word for it, here's what some of my fellow Burnside High School students have to say about our beloved school:

  • "Burnside High School is the best school in the world! The teachers are amazing, the students are friendly, and the staff is always there to help you out." - Sarah, 11th grade
  • "I love Burnside High School! It's such a great place to learn and grow." - John, 10th grade
  • "Burnside High School is the best school I've ever been to. I'm so glad I decided to come here." - Mary, 9th grade

As you can see, Burnside High School is a pretty special place. If you're looking for a high school that will challenge you academically, provide you with plenty of opportunities to get involved, and make you feel like you're part of a community, then Burnside High School is the place for you. I promise you won't regret it.

So what are you waiting for? Apply to Burnside High School today and join me and my friends as we take the world by storm. Class of 2024, let's show 'em what we've got!