Burnham fire

I remember it like it was yesterday. The day the fire came to Burnham. I was just a little girl, playing in the backyard with my friends. We were having so much fun, running around and laughing. But then, suddenly, we saw smoke billowing up into the sky. We looked up and saw that it was coming from the woods behind our house.

We were all scared, and we ran inside to tell our parents. They told us to pack our things and get ready to leave. We didn't know what was going on, but we knew that we had to get out of there.

We piled into the car and drove away as fast as we could. We could see the fire getting closer and closer in the rearview mirror. We were all terrified, but we were also relieved to be getting away from the danger.

We drove for hours, until we finally reached a safe place. We stayed there for a few days, until we were able to go home.

When we finally did get home, everything was different. Our house was gone, and so was everything we owned. We had lost everything in the fire.

It was a very difficult time for our family. We had to start over from scratch. But we did it, and we're stronger than ever before.

The Burnham fire was a tragedy, but it also brought our community together. We all helped each other to rebuild our lives, and we're all stronger for it.

I'm so grateful for the people in my community. They helped us through a very difficult time, and they're the reason why I'm still here today.

I'm also grateful for the firefighters who risked their lives to save our town. They're the real heroes.

The Burnham fire was a tragedy, but it also showed me the strength of the human spirit. We can overcome anything, if we do it together.