Business Development in 2015, XL Axiata stretcher System 360 Degrees


XL Axiata Jakarta Axis Capital Group PT Telecom News, Jakarta: The management of PT XL Axiata Tbk (EXCL) will change its business development in the northern region by using a system of 360 degrees (degree) in this year.


"North of this area will lead to Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua. The system 360 degrees will we focus according to market conditions. If any of these prospects will we wake up. Certainly the best for the community , " said President EXCL , Hasnul Suhaimi , when encountered in headquarters XL , Mega Kuningan , Jakarta , Wednesday ( 07/01/2015 ) .


Hasnul revealed, business development in the area of the North have different strategies in each region, because each region will not be the same potential, the network, and its market.


"Business Development North according to the condition of each, the price is like this, sales like this, like this area, as this potential, because each region is never the same,” said Hasnul.


This year, if XL is moving to 4G or 2G, he asserted, back again to 360 degrees it. The company's future strategy, so concerned with the development of 360 degrees was more directed city by city.


“So need people who understand the market, network, contents, digital and marketing. It is mainly when using the system 360 degrees, "he said.


He added, the company will also improve service or service in the data, because society has changed. People who want to use a transaction or interaction with the operator through digital means.


“A change in the customer’s side, the operator must change the way it operates XL. The way we sell is also more to the platform, digital, marketing and so on, “added Hasnul.