Know More About Essential oils, Its Uses and Benefits

You may have heard or experienced sometime in your lifetime that just sniffing some smells or applying them can make you sleep better, can lower your anxiety and can even manage your stress levels too.

It seems a little unrealistic in this era, where people are more indulged in taking medicines, for a quick and fast relief but these pills come with many side effects too.

Buy organic essential oils are co-related and aromatherapy is usually done by these extracted essential oils that are plant based and organic.

These plant oils are well recognized by the Chinese, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans because of their therapeutic properties.

 What is Essential oils?

Essential oils can be simply explained as the art and science of extracting and utilizing aromatic essence from plants, leaf, citrus peels, flowers and sometimes from fruit and its seeds too.

Buy organic essential oils aids in harmonizing, balancing and promoting the health of body, mind and spirit. Also it is beneficial in enhancing the individual’s response in the healing process and gives many other soothing effects to our body specially working on the brain.

Essential oils works with our nose using our sense of smell. Smell is a potent brain trigger, which means biologically, the neural networks of our sense of smell passes through our brain’s olfactory system, which is connected to the limbic system in the brain which controls the functions of breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, stress levels and also affects our emotions and memory center. Essential oils can also be applied on the skin as well for topical use, for the same purpose.

What Methods to Use for Essential oils?

We can benefit from aromatherapy through many different ways, but the most common is by using an oil diffuser which gently spreads the smell of the essential oils into the air, which can then be inhaled naturally and reaches our brain.

They can also be used by applying on skin, by diluting the essential oils with the carrier oil, and then messaging them on to the skin. it’s better not to apply any essential oil directly on the skin instead, use them by mixing in some other product.

Other methods could be simple and DIY like dropping a few drops on your pillow cover before bedtime, soaking a cotton ball or cloth to sniff, can even make a spray at home, or maybe buying a nasal inhaler or oral diffusers too. nowadays organic hair products available which gives you the benefits buy organic essential oils, along with it, different scented candles and lotions are available for this purpose as well.

They can also be used in public places to prevent airborne infections because they’ve antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic properties, which make them great for protecting the environment from many dangerous airborne infections.

Different Benefits of Using Essential oils:

Essential oils is a well-known treatment for many problems that are linked to our body and can’t be seen because they're just feelings like depression, unknown anger, stress, anxiety and many more.

These issues are very common in our generation and more shocking is that they've been reportedly seen in many youngsters as well which is alarming and horrific. An age where you don’t have hard responsibilities on you, you’re suffering from something bad. This is mostly due to our unhealthy lifestyle and so buy organic essential oils comes to our rescue. Let’s see how:

1- Helps managing stress levels

Many daily pressures result in increasing stress levels which triggers anxiety, loss of concentration and sometimes leading to depression as well. Many researches have shown that by using this method you can actually lower your stress levels safely and naturally. Stress is an annoying fellow for your body and soul.

By using this method, you can manage stress levels and calm down your body for sure. You can use essential oils from the mint and citrus family for this purpose and some popular ones are bergamot, lavender and jasmine too.

2- Improving sleep

Sleep is essential for every human body, because resting and sleeping makes our body and us better in doing our work and other daily chores. So you need a good sleep to give your hundred percent the next day.

Many suffer from insomnia, a common problem seen nowadays and people usually take prescription medicines for its cure. But if you start aromatherapy, you can see some amazing results and better sleep patterns in just a few days. This will also help in calming your body and soul, preparing you for optimal rest. Lavender oil is considered best in this respect, which has many beneficial compounds which depress the nervous system activity while you’re trying to sleep.

3- Reduces headaches and migraines

Headaches are a very common problem seen and complained by almost everyone in any age group. The reasons could be any, cure is very common, a pill widely taken but it badly affects our stomach and so we must avoid such medicines at any cost.

A simple and effective way is to use an essential oil topically mixed with a carrier oil on your forehead, temple and scalp, massage it and it can relieve pain very quickly.

The best essential oil is peppermint which has menthol as an active ingredient which has a cooling effect. You can also use eucalyptus, sandalwood or rosemary for this purpose.

4- Offer Antimicrobial Effects

Many essential oils have antimicrobial effects which when applied to specific parts of the body can help in healing. They can also be used in diffusers and spread in air to kill bacteria that is air borne because they help fight infections, germs and inflammations too.

For example, eucalyptus essential oil has potential in fighting oral bacteria and you may see it in organic hair products also. Tree tea essential oil is another great oil in this respect.

 Ending lines

Buy organic essential oils is a form of holistic therapy that uses essential oils to help improve and balance you emotionally and physically.

It helps you to reconnect with yourself, relax and have a dynamic effect on mind, body and soul. However, always use them with some consultation and if you’re on medication, never stop them and rely only on aromatherapy.