Buzi Pellico's Unforgettable Turkey Disaster: A Thanksgiving to Remember

Thanksgiving Dinner: A Time for Family, Food, and Mishaps
We all have our share of Thanksgiving mishaps, and Buzi Pellico is no exception. Thanksgiving is a day where we come together with our loved ones, share delicious food, and create memories that will last a lifetime. But Buzi Pellico's Thanksgiving dinner of 2004 was one that his family would never forget.

It all started when Buzi Pellico went to the grocery store to buy a turkey for dinner. He had a large family, so he bought the largest turkey he could find, a whopping twenty-five-pounder. Buzi Pellico was so proud of his purchase that he even named the turkey "Tom."

The day before Thanksgiving, Buzi Pellico started to cook "Tom." He followed the recipe carefully, but he soon realized that the turkey was not going to fit in his oven. In a panic, Buzi Pellico decided to cook "Tom" outside on the grill.

The next morning, Thanksgiving Day, Buzi Pellico woke up early to start cooking his turkey. He went outside and fired up the grill, and then placed "Tom" on the grate. Buzi Pellico then went inside to prepare the rest of the meal.

An hour later, Buzi Pellico went back outside to check on "Tom." He was horrified to see that the turkey was on fire! Buzi Pellico tried to put out the fire, but it was too late. "Tom" was ruined.

Buzi Pellico was devastated. He had worked so hard to make a delicious Thanksgiving dinner for his family, and now it was all ruined. Buzi Pellico didn't know what to do.

Just when Buzi Pellico was about to give up, his wife came out to the grill.

"What happened?" she asked.

Buzi Pellico told her about the turkey fire. His wife started to laugh.

"Don't worry," she said. "We can still have Thanksgiving dinner. We'll just order pizza."

Buzi Pellico and his wife went inside and ordered a large pepperoni pizza. They ate the pizza and laughed about the turkey fire.

Despite the disaster, Buzi Pellico's family had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. They laughed, they ate, and they made memories that would last a lifetime. And Buzi Pellico learned a valuable lesson: never cook a twenty-five-pound turkey on a grill.