Cabinet announcement

I'm so excited to announce my new cabinet!
After much deliberation and prayer, I have selected a team of highly qualified and experienced individuals who share my vision for our country.
I am confident that together, we will make America great again!

Secretary of State:
Mike Pompeo. Mike is a West Point graduate and a former CIA director. He is a strong leader and a skilled negotiator.

Secretary of the Treasury:
Steven Mnuchin. Steven is a former Goldman Sachs banker. He is a brilliant financial mind and a tough negotiator.

Secretary of Defense:
James Mattis. James is a retired Marine general. He is a highly respected military leader and a strategic thinker.

Attorney General:
Jeff Sessions. Jeff is a former Alabama senator. He is a strong supporter of law enforcement and a defender of the Constitution

Secretary of the Interior:
Ryan Zinke. Ryan is a former Montana congressman. He is a strong advocate for the environment and for the wise use of our natural resources.

Secretary of Agriculture:
Sonny Perdue. Sonny is a former Georgia governor. He is a successful businessman and a strong supporter of farmers and ranchers.

Secretary of Commerce:
Wilbur Ross. Wilbur is a successful businessman and investor. He is a strong advocate for free trade and for American businesses.

Secretary of Labor:
Alexander Acosta. Alexander is a former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida. He is a strong advocate for workers' rights and for a strong economy.

Secretary of Health and Human Services:
Tom Price. Tom is a former Georgia congressman. He is a strong advocate for free market healthcare and for patient choice.

Secretary of Education:
Betsy DeVos. Betsy is a successful businesswoman and a strong advocate for school choice and for parental involvement in education.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs:
David Shulkin. David is a former Under Secretary of Health for the Department of Veterans Affairs. He is a strong advocate for veterans and for providing them with the best possible care.

Secretary of Homeland Security:
John Kelly. John is a retired Marine general. He is a highly respected leader and a strong advocate for border security and for national security.

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency:
Mike Pompeo. Mike is a West Point graduate and a former CIA director. He is a strong leader and a skilled negotiator.

Ambassador to the United Nations:
Nikki Haley. Nikki is a former South Carolina governor. She is a strong advocate for American interests and for peace and security in the world.
I am confident that this team will help me make America great again!
Together, we will build a safer, stronger, and more prosperous future for all Americans.