California Primary

The California primary is just around the corner, and there are a lot of candidates running for office. With so many choices, it can be tough to know who to vote for.

What are the key issues in the California primary?

The key issues in the California primary include education, healthcare, and the economy. All of the candidates have different plans for addressing these issues, so it's important to do your research and decide which candidate you think will do the best job.

Who are the frontrunners in the California primary?

The frontrunners in the California primary are Gavin Newsom, Kevin de León, and Antonio Villaraigosa. All three of these candidates have a lot of experience in government, and they all have different plans for California. Newsom is the current lieutenant governor of California, de León is the current president pro tempore of the California State Senate, and Villaraigosa is the former mayor of Los Angeles.

How can I vote in the California primary?

You can vote in the California primary by mail or in person. If you vote by mail, you must request a ballot by March 26th. You can request a ballot online or by calling your local county elections office. If you vote in person, you can do so on Election Day, June 5th.

What are the deadlines for the California primary?

The deadlines for the California primary are as follows:

* March 26th: Deadline to request a mail-in ballot
* June 5th: Election Day

What are the key issues in the California primary?

The key issues in the California primary include education, healthcare, and the economy. All of the candidates have different plans for addressing these issues, so it's important to do your research and decide which candidate you think will do the best job.

Who are the frontrunners in the California primary?

The frontrunners in the California primary are Gavin Newsom, Kevin de León, and Antonio Villaraigosa. All three of these candidates have a lot of experience in government, and they all have different plans for California. Newsom is the current lieutenant governor of California, de León is the current president pro tempore of the California State Senate, and Villaraigosa is the former mayor of Los Angeles.

How can I vote in the California primary?

You can vote in the California primary by mail or in person. If you vote by mail, you must request a ballot by March 26th. You can request a ballot online or by calling your local county elections office. If you vote in person, you can do so on Election Day, June 5th.

What are the deadlines for the California primary?

The deadlines for the California primary are as follows:

* March 26th: Deadline to request a mail-in ballot
* June 5th: Election Day