Why Are People Switching to Organic Soaps?

People in general are becoming more and more mindful of the food that they consume, the products that they use and how their activities and habits affect the planet Earth. Organic is one word that we see and use the most when talking about a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. One big step toward organic and all-natural lifestyle is to use skin care products that are made with organic ingredients rather than those tongue twisting ingredients that you can’t even pronounce. All these ingredients that are hard for you to say are not doing any good to your skin or body. In fact all these are chemical preservatives that increase the shelf life of these products and do nothing good for you.

Soap is one skin care product that we all use day in and day out. We start our day by washing are hands and face and mostly end it also by brushing out teeth and giving our face a splash of water and soap. When soaps play such an integral part in our daily routine, we must pay heed to what soaps we are actually using, right? Well, thankfully a change is coming slowly but surely and it’s bound to increase its influence around the world. Not only are people making the shift in daily soaps but also camping body soap, bathing soaps, facial soaps and other soap needs as well.

People are switching from the trusted commercial soaps to all-natural soaps for good. People now understand that the skin is our biggest organ, chemicals and toxins can be absorbed through it, choosing the right soap can protect us from various allergies, irritation, sensitivities and other problems that can develop over time. In this article, I will be telling you why people are making this huge shift and why you should follow their footsteps in order to make a healthy choice for your skin. Although organic body care products are a lot and the best results come when we use the whole range of organic products, for now let’s just concentrate on organic soaps today. These benefits are in no particular order*

Why are people switching To Organic Soaps?

1.           Organic Soaps Smells Amazing

Unlike your usual store-bought soaps that reeks with the smell of powerful chemical and artificial fragrances making your head spin, organic soaps have an amazing, all-natural fragrance all thanks to the natural essential oils used in it. Organic soaps have a blend of all-natural fragrances that not only make your skin smell good and fresh all day long but also make your bathroom smell amazing. As the essential oils used are also all-natural the smell never intends to burn your nose or become too overpowering. The smell is there very much but not overwhelming your senses. Apart from the fragrance, essential oils also hydrate your skin, they have anti-inflammatory properties and are rich with antioxidants.

2.           Organic Soaps are Good for your Skin Health

This point may seem quite obvious but still many people need to hear it in order to make the switch. Our skin loves natural and organic products and isn’t really a fan of chemicals. If your experience with these mass-produced chemical bars hasn’t been all nice then you need to try out organic camping body soap. Our skin absorbs almost 60-65% of the products that we put on it! So make the right choice by opting for organic soaps that are made with naturally derived ingredients like shea butter, coconut oils and other things that do nothing bad for your skin. In fact these soaps are highly moisturizing which means that in the long run your skin will stay hydrated, supple and soft. Organic soaps mostly are good for all skin types so you basically have to only choose your favorite fragrance and enjoy a harmonious bath each time.

3.           Organic Soaps are Vegan, Cruelty-free and Animal Friendly

Many people are turning vegan nowadays, organic body care products are the best vegan option for your skin needs. The ingredients used for making the soaps are obtained from plant-based fats rather than animal fats which also make it animal friendly. No testing is done on animals either as the ingredients are all-natural so there is nothing to be worried about. Most of the organic product companies are small scale which make their products with botanical herbs, essential oils, plants, flowers, spices and fruits. These small scale businesses are also not a threat to the environment as no mass production is done using chemicals that can seep into the water or air.

4.           Spoilt for Choices

As I mentioned above, the organic soap businesses are mostly small scale which means that they make smaller batches that can be personalized as well. You can mix and match different fragrances and bases to create your very own scent and soap type which is perfect for your skin. You can also order many different fragrance and base types to check a variety of products and then choose the one that works the best for your skin. On top of that, these organic soaps are highly customizable in terms of shapes, sizes, texture and of course scent. So if you want to spice up your daily routine with a bunch of fragrances, shapes and textures then go for organic soaps.

5.           Organic Soaps are Good for the Environment

Organic soaps are made on a small scale so the waste can be easily and very efficiently disposed of. As the waste is also natural it breaks down easily on its own, it doesn’t release any harmful gasses or substances and can be washed down easily. Organic soaps are not only made with natural ingredients but they are also packed in biodegradable materials which means that no plastic wrapper or bottles are piling up against our planet Earth.

Last Lines

Organic soaps and other organic body care products have several benefits for us as well as for the environment. We should all collectively make a better choice today so that we can reap its many benefits in the longer run.