Can Men Wear Women Shoes?

Can Men wear women shoes? This question has become an age-old question throughout the globe and many would have varying opinions on this. There are many different types of women's shoes. While some men feel comfortable wearing feminine footwear, others may feel uncomfortable. This is due to varying reasons that would be discussed below. After reading the article, you should be able to answer for yourself if you could wear women's shoes as a man or not.

One of the reasons why many men may want to wear shoes designed for women is that they have wider selections in color and styles. However, just because you prefer the appearance of the shoes, doesn't mean that you should go for it right away. On the surface, the most obvious difference between the two ought to be their size aside from their appearances. Sizes for men are larger, but that isn't only the case. Men have wider feet while women have narrower feet. However, women's shoes have wider room at the front rather than the heel. This means that the shape of shoes for the two are different, which is an important factor to consider when answering the question - can men wear women shoes


The body size and shape of men and women also affect their pronation or how their feet come into contact with the ground as they walk. This is also taken into account in shoe designs. If you're a man but you believe that your shape and other characteristics can be put side by side with a woman's, then it's most likely that wearing women's shoes may be an option for you. However, if you're someone who's on the other end of the spectrum and have a heavily masculine body shape and foot shape, sticking to men's shoes may be the better option.