Can Cobbie Heiten Cure Your Child's Nightmares?

You won't believe your eyes.

When Cobbie Heiten was a little girl, she was terrified of the dark. Every night, she would beg her parents to leave the light on, but they would always tell her that she needed to learn to be brave. One night, Cobbie decided that she had had enough. She got out of bed and crept down the stairs to the kitchen. She found a candle and lit it, and then she carried it back to her bedroom. The candlelight filled the room with a warm glow, and Cobbie felt much better. She fell asleep quickly, and she didn't have any nightmares that night.

The next night, Cobbie's parents were surprised to see that she had left the light off. They asked her if she was okay, and she told them that she was. She explained that she had found a way to make the dark go away.

Cobbie's parents were skeptical, but they decided to let her try it. They turned off the light and left the room. Cobbie closed her eyes and imagined the candlelight filling the room. She felt the warmth of the light surround her, and she drifted off to sleep. Again, she didn't have any nightmares.

Cobbie continued to use her candlelight trick every night. It always helped her to feel safe and secure. Her parents were so impressed with her bravery that they decided to tell her story to other children who were afraid of the dark. Soon, Cobbie was giving speeches to groups of children, and she was helping them to overcome their fears.

Today, Cobbie Heiten is a successful author and speaker. She has written several books about her experiences with fear, and she has spoken to hundreds of children about how to overcome their own fears. Cobbie is a true inspiration, and her story is a reminder that we can all overcome our fears if we just believe in ourselves.

So if your child is afraid of the dark, don't be afraid to try Cobbie's candlelight trick. It might just be the thing that helps them to sleep soundly through the night.

Here are some tips for using the candlelight trick:

  • Use a real candle, not an electric one.
  • Place the candle in a safe place where it won't be knocked over.
  • Close your child's eyes and ask them to imagine the candlelight filling the room.
  • Encourage your child to focus on the warmth and safety of the light.
  • Let your child fall asleep to the sound of the candle flickering.

With a little practice, your child will be able to use the candlelight trick to overcome their fear of the dark. And who knows? They might even become a famous author or speaker one day!