CAO offers 2024

The CAO has announced that it will be offering a new course in 2024: "The Art of Comedy". The course will be taught by a team of experienced comedians and will cover a wide range of topics, including writing funny material, performing stand-up comedy, and developing a comedic persona.

The course is open to students of all ages and backgrounds. No prior experience in comedy is required. However, students are expected to be creative, have a good sense of humor, and be willing to work hard.

The course will be offered at a variety of locations around the country. Classes will be held once a week for 10 weeks. The cost of the course is $500.

If you're interested in learning more about the new course, you can visit the CAO website or attend one of the free information sessions that will be held in the coming weeks.

I'm really excited about this new course. I think it's a great opportunity for people to learn about the art of comedy and develop their comedic skills. I hope to see you in class!

Here are some of the things you'll learn in the "The Art of Comedy" course:

  • How to write funny material
  • How to perform stand-up comedy
  • How to develop a comedic persona
  • The history of comedy
  • The different types of comedy
  • The business of comedy

I think this course is a great opportunity for people who are interested in learning more about comedy. I hope you'll join us!


Your friendly neighborhood comedian